Sunday, December 25, 2011


                                          "I HAVE NO IDEA! "

                                      HARRY THOMAS DANVERS

                     Was the standard answer, to the question of which no one knew anything about? Yet, it radiated a kind of herd poison that infected the masses into relinquishing their individuality. It was frightening in its classic repetition.

                     They all wanted a change, for their dismal economic situation was less than lean and waning. Some swerved to the right and others to the left, while those in the middle were trampled down as being mere spectators.

                     Military might to control the situation was thwarted by the staggering number of individuals, who would have to be butchered. There were almost not enough bullets for that. Besides; the other side was armed with determination, as well as Molotov cocktails.

                   Thus, the world leaders began to disappear and everywhere their absence created anarchy. What was worse was that it was not isolated, rather universal. The beast in man had reached its full potential. The black abyss was before humanity, just as the backdrop of space which surrounded the planet, was equally impenetrable.

                  And all around this sphere of darkness, there remained a light. No, there were many lights of luminous intensity. Not a few, rather tens of thousands which had already been counted.

                 They did not communicate with the restless masses. It remained that there was no one to answer their question and if there would have been, the answer would have inevitably been the same…"I HAVE NO IDEA!


1 comment:

wlErik said...

Harry, I hope that your subversive poetry and verse will not be attributed to me, even though most of your posts say "posted by wlErik."

I am enjoying it though.