Wednesday, April 10, 2019

                                        HIGH NOON

                           He was not a student at the University, where the English-Dramatics class was studying the movie High Noon, for possible permanent psychological damage, concerning the violence therein. It was already determined that Gary Cooper was an arch-axis model of determined evil; but he knew nothing of that, since he was only in high school. Nevertheless, he was equipped with the latest technological advancements and an automatic pistol. He lived in Renalds, about sixty miles east of Portland, Oregon.

                           It was not all planed but it was well thought out. He had started to play violent, internet games before he was able to walk, so that when he reached puberty, he was violent inside and an angel without. No one could have ever imagined this thing that he was planning at High Noon.

                          That was the time for the lunch break at Renalds High School. He could get a clear shot of those he wanted to kill and those who must die. It was that simple and he didn't even know who Gary Cooper was.

                           He had to make sure he got there when the guards at the metal detectors were off to lunch. He was a student with high marks and slated to go on to college. No one could possibly expect what he was planning to do...or could they? He pondered this in his computer, trying to extract the possibilities of failure. The data came back as fast as he put it in. He was assured that mathematically, his plan would succeed. So, he put the automatic pistol under his coat and Macintosh on top of that. There was an Oregon rain going on, but that was natural and might even help him to escape, although he knew he never would. There was something that could not be defined. He must kill, but he didn't know why. Was it because he was trapped in an internet thralldom of unexplained proportions? The concave world of modern technology had made a mess of his existence. It was all filled with pornography, or worse. He  was only fifteen, but he knew it was all useless. He was not old enough to say he had tried, although he cried, even though he didn't know why.

                         If he could kill his classmates and the teacher he disliked, then they would know too. It was a decisive matter, which was soon to be resolved.

                        The rain was now incessant and the students were all inside. There were no plain-cloths men at the door.

                        He walked in and took off his Macintosh. No one noticed that there was a bulge beneath his overcoat. He noticed that the teacher was eating a ham sandwich and that the students were fed on cheese sandwiches.

                        That was the last thing he remembered, beside the fact that the hateful teacher offered him a part of his ham sandwich.

                         He quietly pulled out the automatic pistol from under his coat and began to shoot. The first one he killed was the teacher and then he killed all his classmates, allowing for one bullet, in  order to blow out his own brains.

                         It made international news and there was one psychologist in  Hollywood, who suggested it was like the movie High Noon.

                         There were scrambles for his last confessions on the internet, which did not appear. A  movie was later made called "Middle Noon" but it flopped at the box office. Nothing was resolved and the world went on as usual.

1 comment:

wlErik said...

And the world went on as usual. How sad.